Apps, General, Mobile

Newpipe App Review

newpipe is the best android app alternative next to logo

Newpipe an is free/ad free streaming app for watching youtube videos made by Team newpipe. But doesn’t use any propretary api(connections) by google and only parses the site for the video essentially a browser for youtube videos. It also doesn’t send any information to third parties other than data sent by users themselves. Its also open source, So anyone can modify it and make their own versions of it. Newpipe also supports Sound cloud but thats in beta as of now, which is included in the app.

Newpipe also includes subscriptions(locally not by youtube/google), and being able to import subscriptions from youtube from their google account, link here: by clicking export. An opml file will start to download and after that go to subscriptions and click on import from youtube in new pipe. This opml(rss) file format can also be imported in an rss reader such as [Feeder]( also available for free on Android:, This will update on any new videos a content creator has made based on their rss feed. Which is accessible but hidden from view.

Rss feeds can be accessed by copying a channel id or user id and then adding these for which ever one a channel uses:



Newpipe has a ton of features that making it better than youtube such as playing videos as popups as seen here:

pciture of newpipe feature of playing  videos as popups.
Newpipe can even play videos in the background useful for just listening to podcasts:

picture of newpipe feature of playing videos in the background as audio only.
Newpipe as stated before can play youtube videos but not only that but newpipe can also download these videos plus .

pciture showing newpipe downloads options

Making it much better alternative to ad riddled and possible malware infested websites with the added bonus of other features mentioned on this list. It can even download a video as audio and captions too. It can also download sound cloud tracks as well.

Newpipe also has the feature of playlists,Watch history and limited options to customize the interface.

It also features the option to disable or view comments entirely on a video. Newpipe can also search YouTube and SoundCloud for videos and audio tracks.

NewPipe app Rating: Good

Download from Fdroid:

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